Bryce Canyon National Park – Utah’s 5 part 2 of 4


After we left Zion, we actually went down to the Grand Canyon. But the Grand Canyon requires it’s own post, so more about that later. Sorry we’re so behind!

Bryce was soooo beautiful! Having just come back from the Grand Canyon, we were
already desensitized to vast landscapes and plummeting canyons. JUST KIDDING.
This place is awesome; so many beautiful colors and unique “hoodoos” all around.




One of our first trails was Navajo Loop. Basically, you walk down a canyon via pretty steep, diagonal walkways until you get to the bottom. Don’t even ask about how the trip back up was (HELL). But getting down there was definitely worth it, as is all hard work.


pano    IMG_6782













After that, we refilled our water bottles. Hydration is the most important thing you can do while spending time outdoors and in the sun. All the parks we’ve been to so far have newly installed water bottle refilling stations throughout the park. Which is totally life-saving for us, so we can refill our bigger water containers for our survival outside the park. Next, we hopped back on the shuttle and stopped at the Queen’s Trail. It was the most popular trail at the park, so of course we had to see it.


There are 2 major points of interest on this trail:

Thor's Hammer

Thor’s Hammer

The Queen

The Queen

It’s pretty crazy how nature forms this stuff out of dirt and rock. The Queen is a little far-fetched, but you gotta use your imagination. 🙂


On our way out of the park, we stopped at the Visitor’s Center to stamp our passport and pick up our postcard. We’ve decided to collect something from the parks, and they have vintage-style postcards that I absolutely had to collect for $.38 each. Also, they have ink stamps throughout the parks that you can stamp in your park passport. I’m a collector, so I feel like I have to visit all the spots that have stamps and get them all. Even though I’m sure it’s intended for only one stamp per park, and there’s more than one for convenience purposes. Oh well! So as we were we leaving the Visitor’s Center, they have some stuffed
animals for purchase. One was a cat with tassels of hair on the tops of its ears. I stopped and said to D, “Look! Isn’t that the animal we saw in the Grand Canyon?!”

While we we’re driving back to our campsite at Grand Canyon, we totally saw a wild cat cross the road in front of us. It was small, so we knew it wasn’t a mountain lion, and didn’t quite look like a fox. But this stuffed animal looked like it for sure. It said it was a bobcat. So we went to the woman at the register and asked her if that’s what we could have seen at Grand Canyon. She laughed and said “Yep! Now you can sleep tonight!” That’s what she thinks. Now we have to watch out for bobcats, in addition to mountain lions and bears.  -_-

*Note: Totally kidding about worrying about the animals. We’ve done our research how to avoid them.



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4 Responses to Bryce Canyon National Park – Utah’s 5 part 2 of 4

  1. Grandma Suzanne says:

    Hi you two: This is Grandma Suzanne and yep I’m following you and love it. Went to many of these parks with G PA & G MA Rariden when I was about 12 yrs old. Loved it then and am enjoying it now. Will have to tell you more when I see ya! Love ya and miss ya!

  2. When I read your entry, I had a nice flashback of our wonderful time over there. Bryce Canyon is wonderful.

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